Senior Certificate
Ehlanzeni Star Schools’ Amended Senior Certificate Programme enables adults who did not complete their high school education, or failed their matric examination, to obtain their school leaving certificate and thus further their education if they so choose.
As the Amended Senior Certificate currently does not allow candidates to obtain university endorsement, candidates who write the Amended Senior Certificate examinations may apply for an age exemption through Universities South Africa/Higher Education South Africa as an interim measure until the university admission requirements are approved by the Department of Higher Education and Training.
Who qualifies for the programme?
- Adult learners 21 years and older who have one of the following:
- A General Education and Training Certificate for Adult Basic Education and Training;
- A grade 9 school report, stating that they have passed grade 9;
- A recognised equivalent qualification obtained at NQF Level 1 which requires two official languages;
- An incomplete Senior Certificate qualification in the year of the Senior Certificate examination;
- An incomplete National Senior Certificate of which the School Based Assessment component has expired.
- Out of school youth 18-21 years old who could not complete their school education and could not be accommodated longer in the school system due to special circumstances as verified by the Head of Department.
Promotion requirements
Star Schools follows the scheme of work as prescribed by the Department of Education’s Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS). Candidates writing the Amended Senior Certificate are exempt from the School Based Assessment (SBA) or Continuous Assessment (CASS) mark, which means that the final examination in the subject(s) registered for will constitute 100% of the final mark.
To obtain their Senior Certificate, candidates must:
- Pass at least five of the required six subjects as follows:
- Obtain at least 40% in three subjects, one of which must be an official home language;
- Obtain at least 30% in two subjects, one of which must be an official home or first additional language;
- Obtain a sub-minimum of 20% in the failed sixth subject.
What we offer
- Exam registration, study materials and revision in selected subjects.
- Candidates register with Star Schools to write the examination.
- Candidates receive study material and revision in selected subjects. Study material includes:
- Work books
- Past examination papers
- Setworks for English (novel and drama)
- Examinations are written at Star Schools during May and June.
All of the following documentation must be submitted in order to proceed with registration and secure a place on the programme:
- Two copies of your Statement of Results, or General Education and Training Certificate, or grade 9 report;
- Three copies of your ID document or birth certificate;
- Two ID photos (three ID photos if a birth certificate is used);
- Completed registration form;
- Original proof of payment.
All foreign candidates must provide a current and valid study permit.